Lars Schumann
  20 Poplar Way
  Rochester, NY 14618-3908

General Skills: project management, written and oral communication, consulting, leadership, software / system design, algorithms / data structures, Agile development (Scrum certified)
Languages: English (fluent), German (native)
Programming Languages: Python, JavaScript, PHP, Go, Java, C/C++
Programming Environments: Linux, virtual machines (VM), Windows, embedded system
Cloud: Amazon Web Services (EC2 & S3), OpenStack, Docker, Kubernetes
World Wide Web: extensively familiar: Apache and Nginx, HTML/CSS, Bootstrap, PHP/JavaScript
familiar: Node.js, Express.js, AngularJS
Database: extensively familiar: PostgreSQL, MySQL, and SQLite
familiar: Redis and MongoDB
Measures for Justice
Staff Software Engineer II
Rochester, NY
November 2022 - present
  • Data Engineering team

Datto, Inc.
Staff Software Engineer
Rochester, NY
August 2020 - October 2022
  • The SaaS Protection team creates and maintains a data backup & recovery system for cloud-based business productivity tools, such as Microsoft 365 and Google Workspace.
  • Developed software for a highly available, large-scale cloud environment with over 3400 servers capable to backup data in the exabyte range.
  • Started in sustaining team to work on urgent bugs and production issues. Strong collaboration with tech support, problem management, and on-call.
  • Moved to scrum team and worked on full stack tickets, such as cold archival and reports / notifications. Recently working on creating a new micro service for customer alerting.
  • Tech stack: Scala, PHP (Symfony, Doctrine), Ruby on Rails, Golang, Python, Elasticsearch, MySQL, PostgresSQL, Redis, RabbitMQ, Docker, Kubernetes, Ansible/AWX, Prometheus, Grafana
  • Co-led an agile guild initiative to address problems with customer migrations and data replications. We prioritized and worked on bug fixes, new alerts, and process changes to increase robustness and reduce on-call load.
  • Interviewed potential new engineers and helped with training.

Datto, Inc.
Staff Software Engineer
Rochester, NY
November 2015 - May 2020
  • Designed and implemented a prototype for data breach alerting based on anomaly detection of access patterns using Python and PostgreSQL. The system would learn from previous data access patterns and adapt to changes in behavior over time.
  • Worked on multiple products in the Datto router, switch, and WiFi access points portfolio. The devices are cloud-managed (web configurable) and my responsibilities had an emphasis on firmware development, but also full-stack development. Datto strongly values Agile development and automated testing.
    • Ported early builds of the DNA edge router to use the OpenWrt / Lede SDK, implementing a service based architecture in PHP, C, and native OpenWrt scripting.
    • Contributed to the embedded Linux firmware of the devices, including long-term projects like the integration of router based web content filtering, intrusion detection / prevention, VPN, and remote access (rly).
    • Implemented several product features to enable seamless configuration of networking devices from cloud based management interfaces using a variety of technologies. This was composed of new and legacy components using JavaScript, MySQL, Phinx database migrations, Redis, Symfony framework for PHP, as well as Go/Golang for newer backend services.
  • Actively participated in college recruiting; delivered tech talks to diverse audiences, interviewed hundreds at college job fairs, and worked closely with interns on dev teams.

Senior Software Engineer
Dryden, NY
April 2013 - September 2015
  • Creation of Apidae, a highly scalable, cloud-based computational engine that conducts high-performance simulation of energy models of buildings. Apidae allows users to run thousands of simulations concurrently, offers special statistical and parametric search algorithms, and visualizes the results with interactive charts.
  • Core team member responsible for all project aspects including: designing the system; creating install scripts for the cloud instances and maintaining the development virtual machines (VM); creating database schemas and queries for metadata and high-level results; processing of simulation results and visualizing them; and managing sensor / weather data.

Cornell University - Program of Computer Graphics
Research Support Specialist III
Ithaca, NY
September 2008 - April 2013
  • Co-lead designer/programmer of the Sustain framework for the Sustainable Energy Project (100k lines of Java code)
  • Supported Cornell faculty with their research and advised graduate and undergraduate students
  • Integrated cluster and cloud computing to create a flexible computational environment
  • Created wired and wireless sensor networks to log data (like temperature, relative humidity, pressure, and ambient light), stored data in databases, and made data accessible on web servers
  • Prototyped advanced human-computer interfaces, including 3D projection systems and 3D gesture recognition using depth-sensors (Kinect); built a multi-touch table interface; and reverse engineered a digital drafting table

University of Michigan - UM3D Lab
Research Computer Specialist (formerly Programmer Analyst II)
Ann Arbor, MI
March 1999 - September 2008
  • Lab manager of the University of Michigan 3D Lab (previously Acting Team Leader of the Imaging Technology Group)
  • Collaborated with faculty and students interested in scientific visualization and virtual reality
  • Visualized data sets using the latest software methods and display technology
  • Supported CAVE, AccessGrid, GeoWall, GeoWall2
  • Contributed to projects including Virtual Football Trainer, the National Science Foundation (NSF)-funded Network for Earthquake Engineering Simulation project, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC)-funded Virtual Disaster Simulator, and the Medical Readiness Trainer (MRT)
  • Purchased lab equipment, monitored all lab expenses and income, assisted Lab Director with budget
University “Otto von Guericke” Magdeburg
Degree "Diplom-Informatiker" (comparable to M.S. in Computer Science)
Magdeburg, Germany
October 1991 - April 1997
  • Master Thesis: “A parametric model for the rendering of lines”
  • Emphasis in Simulation and Computer Graphics, courses included:
    Computer Graphics, Geometric Modeling, Image Processing, Computer Vision, Simulation, Continuous Simulation, Petri Nets, Programming Techniques, Logical Programming, Assembly Programming, Efficient Algorithms, Software Engineering, Expert Systems, Data Banks, Operating Systems, Parallel Programming, Theoretical CS, Computer Systems, Mathematics, Electronics