When we went to Chicago we visited the Museum of Contemporary Art. In the store we saw a really great George Nelson clock. Unfortunately the price tag ($315) was pretty high, so I decided to build my own.
Even though the original design has an interesting color contrast, I wanted to try a more rainbow color scheme. I basically used colors with a 100% Saturation, 100% Brightness, and multiple of 30° for the Hue value. The colors can be found on Wikipedia.
Color | Color Name | Additive (RGB) | Subtractive (CMY) | Hue | Web Color | Wavelength |
Red | Primary |
Secondary |
0° |
#FF0000 |
625 - 700nm |
Orange | Tertiary |
Tertiary |
30° |
#FF7F00 |
585 - 620nm |
Yellow | Secondary |
Primary |
60° |
#FFFF00 |
570 - 585nm |
Chartreuse | Tertiary |
Tertiary |
90° |
#7FFF00 |
555 - 565nm |
Green | Primary |
Secondary |
120° |
#00FF00 |
520 - 555nm |
Spring Green | Tertiary |
Tertiary |
150° |
#00FF7F |
500 - 505nm |
Cyan, Auqua, Blue-Green | Secondary |
Primary |
180° |
#00FFFF |
485 - 495nm |
Azure | Tertiary |
Tertiary |
210° |
#007FFF |
470 - 480nm |
Blue | Primary |
Secondary |
240° |
#0000FF |
450 – 470nm |
Violet | Tertiary |
Tertiary |
270° |
#7F00FF |
400 - 450nm |
Magenta, Fuchsia | Secondary |
Primary |
300° |
#FF00FF |
n/a |
Rose | Tertiary |
Tertiary |
330° |
#FF007F |
n/a |
Check out my RGB List for more colors.
I just used Photoshop to arrange the color in a circle. It helps, but it cannot really give the idea of the design.
I just modeled this quickly in 3D Studio MAX and exported it to VRML
I bought most parts at Michaels. I just got a , the dials, a 7" disk and 12×1½" balls. The paint is from Delta Ceramcoat (blah for the balls, Light Ivory for the disk, and Satin Varnish for the finish of all parts).