The HMC6352 is an I2C digital compass without tilt compensation. This makes it cheap - you can buy a breakout board from SparkFun for $35. The problem is that when you tilt the sensor the results a pretty unpredictable. A comparable compass breakout board with tilt compensation (like the HMC6343) costs $150.
The HMC6352 is easy to use. Instead or reading from or writing to some addresses or registers it uses 1 character commands. So, for example 'A' is used to read to current heading in 10th's of a degree (a heading of 1345 would be 134.5 degrees). The slave address is 0x42/0x43, which means the Arduino wire address is 0x21. For more information check out the HMC6352 Datasheet .
I could not get the Bus Pirate to work, maybe the timing is a little off. The Arduino works just fine.
All the code be downloaded from here.
This code does not do anything fancy, it just reads the heading over and over. For a real application it would be better to wake up the module, read the value, and put it back in sleep mode.
#include <Wire.h> // Shift the device's documented slave address (0x42) 1 bit right // This compensates for how the TWI library only wants the // 7 most significant bits (with the high bit padded with 0) // This results in 0x21 as the address to pass to TWI const int HMC6352Address = 0x42 >> 1; int ledPin = 13; boolean ledState = false; byte headingData[2]; int i, headingValue; void setup() { I2C_powerPins(3, 2); delay(100); // wait for things to stabilize Serial.begin(9600); pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT); // Set the LED pin as output Wire.begin(); } void loop() { // Flash the LED on pin 13 just to show that something is happening // Also serves as an indication that we're not "stuck" waiting for TWI data ledState = !ledState; digitalWrite(ledPin, ledState ? HIGH : LOW); // Send a "A" command to the HMC6352 // This requests the current heading data Wire.beginTransmission(HMC6352Address); Wire.send("A"); // The "Get Data" command Wire.endTransmission(); // The HMC6352 needs at least a 70us (microsecond) delay after this command. Using 10ms just makes it safe delay(10); // Read the 2 heading bytes, MSB first // The resulting 16bit word is the compass heading in 10th's of a degree // For example: a heading of 1345 would be 134.5 degrees Wire.requestFrom(HMC6352Address, 2); // Request the 2 byte heading (MSB comes first) i = 0; while(Wire.available() && i < 2) { headingData[i++] = Wire.receive(); } headingValue = (int)headingData[0] << 8 | headingData[1]; // Put the MSB and LSB together Serial.print("Current heading: "); Serial.print(headingValue / 10); // The whole number part of the heading Serial.print("."); Serial.print(headingValue % 10); // The fractional part of the heading Serial.println(" degrees"); delay(500); } void I2C_powerPins(byte pwrpin, byte gndpin) { DDRC |= _BV(pwrpin) | _BV(gndpin); PORTC &=~ _BV(gndpin); PORTC |= _BV(pwrpin); }
I used the nice wire layout of the SparkFun breakout board to power the module with the analog pins 2 and 3. If you don't do this, you should remove the two lines from the code:
I2C_powerPins(3, 2); delay(100); // wait for things to stabilize